Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sample Student Post

The students will be required to submit a series of 3 posts to complete the assignment.

Post One:

Students will be required to label each section of the animal cell.

Below is an example of a completed worksheet:

Post Two:

Students will required to submit a completed vocabulary worksheet after they have watched the video and completed their research.

Below is an example of what type of information is required to complete the worksheet:

Dark round spot in center of nucleus
Brain center for the cell

Plasma membrane


Powerhouse of the cell, creates energy


Eats any dead organelles in the cell
Golgi body


Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Bumpy sheets folded on one another
Does the packaging for the cell
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Same as Rough ER without the bumps
Storage for the cell


Third Post: 

Students will be required to retake their pretest to see how much they have learned throughout the lesson. Along with labeling the cell organelles in the worksheet the students will also be asked to describe their purpose.

Below is an example of what the post test should look like:

Cell Membrane- The thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell. The cell membrane is semipermeable, allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others.

Cytoplasm- The jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located 

Nucleus- Spherical body containing many organelles, including the nucleolus. The nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell (by controlling protein synthesis) and contains DNA (in chromosomes). The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane 



  • Academic: Students will be able to identify all the main structures and functions of an animal cell.
  • Vocabulary: Students will be able to understand and define all vocabulary related to the structure and function of an animal cell.

Students will take a pre-test worksheet that will gauge their knowledge of the basic structure and function of an animal cell. Students will label each of the structures of the cell.

    After Pre-Test: 

    After the students have finished the pre-test they will watch a short video about the animal cell:


    Students may decide to use either the internet or any available books to discover everything they can about the structure and function of animal cells.  They will create/fill in a vocabulary chart of words they will need to know.  

    Students may use google or choose form a list of provided websites to complete their research.

    1. Basic Cell Anatomy
    2. Basic Cell Structures
    3. The Living Cell : How it Works


    Using the resources they have, students will fill in the following vocabulary worksheet on the animal cell:



    Plasma membrane




    Golgi body


    Rough endoplasmic reticulum

    Smooth endoplasmic reticulum




    After the students have completed their vocabulary worksheet they will have an opportunity to go over what they have learned. The entire class should participate in answering the questions about cell structure and function to make sure everyone is understanding the work. 

    Student Evaluation:

    Post-Test: Following the completion of the lesson students will retake their pre-test to see how they have learned about the animal cell. For the post test students will be required to label the structures of the animal cell and write a brief description of what they do.